Update Regarding the KlM-GNA Fall Hunt in Pierre, S.D.

KLM-GNA fall hunt in Pierre South Dakota

After strong consideration, we have made the decision to cancel the fall hunt in Pierre South Dakota scheduled for November 4th – 7th. Because of the extended drought and the emergency livestock grazing that was allowed on the public land, there is little cover to hold birds. The club has had a couple of our members visit the area to confirm what opportunities may be available, with the recommendation(s) coming back not having people travel for what will be very little opportunity to enjoy working our dogs.

We are exploring an alternative hunt this year in the northwestern part of Iowa which has good ground cover and encouraging reports from the Iowa’s DNR August road survey. The hunt would be on the numerous public areas around Storm Lake, Iowa with potential dates being November 20th – 23rd, December 17th – 20th , December 27th -30th or that first week in January. Please reach out to me if you are interested so that we can land on a date if there is enough interest.

John D Liscovitz
President, KlM-GNA
[email protected]