Membership Renewal 2023

To renew your membership, KlM-GNA members need only pay the annual dues for 2023You do not need to fill out the Membership Renewal Form, unless there have been changes in your personal situation (new address, phone number or e-mail) or you wish to terminate your membership. In case of changes, email Gretchen Zwerlein, Membership Director, E-mail: [email protected].

  1. By PayPal in the online Shop of the website (, then look for “Annual Membership Renewal 2023” and follow the prompts)
  2. Or send a check payable to “KlM-GNA” to:
    Joe Yoder, Treasurer, 5420 N. Chester Road, Charlotte, MI 48813

Please note: KlM-GNA publishes a Membership List in the password-protected Member Area of the club website, unless you ask to opt out of this list.

Full Membership renewal (prior to Feb. 1st) – $70

Please note!
Full Membership renewal (after Jan. 31st) – $80